​​HVAC Unlimited is fully capable of fulfilling any HVAC or mechanical requirements, while ensuring you quality craftsmanship and OSHA certified employees.

HVAC Unlimited employs talented craftsmen who are licensed or certified in the following skills: pipefitting, welding, gas fitting, med gas, HVAC, and plumbing, in addition to other certifications. At HVAC Unlimited, we view ongoing education as a priority and proudly support our employees as they earn additional certifications and licensing. 

With decades of experience in the industry, we are confident our employees will be able to exceed your expectations and get the job done properly and professionally. 

our service team


HVAC Unlimited, LLC

Chadd Lalime - Owner

​              email: clalime@hvacunlimited.com

Darren Gallant - Owner

             email: dgallant@hvacunlimited.com

Peter Merrill - Project Manager

             email: pmerrill@hvacunlimited.com